Oil painting art school - TAM - English & Dutch

T   O   N   K   I   N   S   O   N         A   R   T        M   A   S   T   E   R  S       -       S  C  H  O  O  L       O  F       O  I  L       P  A  I  N  T  I  N  G

Dutch south african fine artist Tonkinson



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portrait of maxine at plollock beach by tonkinson-art



2011  Holland - TAM, LCT Max Port 201, Portrait of Maxine, palette knife oils on stretched canvas 70x50cm , Property of Raye Tonkinson, Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa.



optical zoom by tonkinson-art



2011  Holland - TAM , LCT OZ 174, Optical Zoom, oil painting on canvas board, 20x30 cm, Sold at the 2010 Monumentendag, Radio Kootwijk. Optician unknown.



seascape of pollock beach by tonkinson-art


2011 Holland - TAM, LCT PB 173, Seascape of Pollock Beach in Port Elizabeth, oil painting techniques with palette knife and sand on stretched canvas 100x140 cm.



kim portrait by tonkinson-art


2011 Holland - TAM, LCT K Port 200, Kim in gold leaf portrait, oil painting techniques with gold leaf on stretched canvas 70x50 cm.



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T O N K I N S O N   A R T   C O L L E C T I O N

 Portraiture       Still life       Wild Life       Landscapes


P r i v a c y   b e l e i d   TonkinsonARTmasters


This web page is the home page of Art Master Leone Tonkinson. She is the sole, worldwide copyright holder and web master of all her creative works. All her images in this and all other web sites can only exist through her express permission. The artist reserves the right to publish, make copies and to sell reproductions of all her artworks, which appear on this site as well as all other web sites, for the sole purpose of her income and towards her pension fund.



  Student Artist fine art drawing and painting panels                   Facebook-logo-300x300 (1)                   2000px-Instagram_logo_2016.svg                  2023 TAM Prospectus
